Statement of Wishes Template: Your Guide to Expressing Your End-of-Life Wishes
Statement of Wishes Template: Your Guide to Expressing Your End-of-Life Wishes

Statement of Wishes Template: Your Guide to Expressing Your End-of-Life Wishes

A statement of wishes template is a predefined form that guides individuals in expressing their wishes regarding their future care and treatment, in the event that they become incapacitated and unable to make decisions for themselves. It typically includes sections for medical treatment preferences, end-of-life care, and personal preferences.

The use of a statement of wishes template has become increasingly important as individuals seek to ensure that their wishes are respected and honored, even if they cannot communicate them directly. These templates provide a structured framework for decision-making and help to reduce the burden on family members or healthcare professionals who may be faced with making difficult decisions on the individual’s behalf.

One key historical development in the use of statement of wishes templates was the passage of the Patient Self-Determination Act in 1990, which established the right of individuals to make informed decisions about their healthcare and to have their wishes respected. This legislation helped to raise awareness of the importance of advance care planning and led to the development of standardized statement of wishes templates that are widely used today.

Statement of Wishes Template

A statement of wishes template is a crucial document that enables individuals to express their preferences regarding their future medical care and personal choices, ensuring that their wishes are respected even when they are unable to communicate them directly. Key aspects of a well-crafted statement of wishes template include:

  • Clarity: Easily understandable language, avoiding medical jargon.
  • Specificity: Precise instructions regarding medical treatments and end-of-life care.
  • Comprehensiveness: Coverage of medical, personal, and financial preferences.
  • Flexibility: Allowance for changes in circumstances or evolving medical knowledge.
  • Accessibility: Easily retrievable by healthcare professionals and family members.
  • Validity: Compliance with legal requirements and recognition by healthcare institutions.
  • Regular Review: Periodic updates to reflect changes in health status or personal preferences.
  • Discussion: Encourages open communication between individuals and their loved ones about end-of-life care.
  • Peace of Mind: Provides individuals with a sense of control and reassurance that their wishes will be honored.

These key aspects work together to create a robust statement of wishes template that serves as a valuable tool for individuals, their families, and healthcare professionals. By addressing these aspects, individuals can ensure that their wishes are clearly expressed, legally valid, and respected, providing peace of mind and promoting a dignified end-of-life experience.


Clarity in statement of wishes templates is paramount as it ensures that an individual’s wishes are accurately conveyed and honored. When medical jargon or complex language is used, there is a risk of misinterpretation or confusion, potentially leading to decisions that do not align with the individual’s true intentions. Avoiding medical jargon and using easily understandable language empowers individuals to make informed choices about their future care and reduces the burden on family members or healthcare professionals who may need to interpret their wishes.

Real-life examples of clarity in statement of wishes templates include using plain language to describe medical treatments and procedures, avoiding acronyms or technical terms, and providing clear instructions on the individual’s preferences. For instance, instead of stating “I do not want to be resuscitated,” a template could use the phrase “I do not want CPR to be performed on me.” This simple change makes the individual’s wishes more easily understood and less open to misinterpretation.

The practical significance of clarity in statement of wishes templates is that it promotes informed decision-making, reduces the risk of disputes or misunderstandings, and ensures that an individual’s wishes are respected. When templates are clear and easy to understand, individuals can confidently express their preferences, knowing that their wishes will be carried out as intended. Clarity also facilitates communication between individuals and their loved ones or healthcare providers, fostering open and informed discussions about end-of-life care.


Within the context of a statement of wishes template, specificity plays a vital role in ensuring that an individual’s wishes are clearly and accurately conveyed. Precise instructions regarding medical treatments and end-of-life care minimize the risk of misinterpretation or confusion, promoting informed decision-making and ensuring that an individual’s preferences are respected.

  • Treatment Options: Individuals can specify their preferences for various medical treatments, including types of surgeries, medications, and life-sustaining measures. This level of detail helps guide healthcare professionals in making decisions that align with the individual’s wishes.
  • End-of-Life Care: Templates can include specific instructions regarding end-of-life care, such as preferences for pain management, hospice care, and the use of artificial life support. These instructions provide valuable guidance to family members and healthcare providers.
  • Symptom Management: Individuals can also express their preferences for managing specific symptoms, such as pain, nausea, and anxiety. This information helps ensure that their comfort and well-being are prioritized during their final days.
  • Contingency Plans: Templates can include contingency plans in case of unforeseen circumstances or changes in an individual’s health status. By outlining alternative preferences or specifying conditions under which certain treatments should be initiated or withheld, individuals can provide guidance even in complex situations.

The specificity of a statement of wishes template empowers individuals to make informed choices about their future care, reducing the burden on loved ones and healthcare professionals. By providing precise instructions, individuals can ensure that their wishes are honored and that their end-of-life experience is in accordance with their values and preferences.


Within the context of a statement of wishes template, comprehensiveness refers to its ability to cover a wide range of preferences, encompassing not only medical but also personal and financial matters. By addressing multiple aspects of an individual’s wishes, comprehensive templates ensure that their values, beliefs, and priorities are respected in all areas of their life, even when they are unable to communicate them directly.

  • Medical Preferences: Templates can include detailed instructions regarding medical treatments, end-of-life care, and symptom management. These preferences provide guidance to healthcare professionals, ensuring that medical decisions align with the individual’s wishes.
  • Personal Preferences: Beyond medical matters, templates can also address personal preferences, such as funeral arrangements, organ donation, and the distribution of personal belongings. These preferences help ensure that an individual’s wishes are honored even after their passing.
  • Financial Preferences: Comprehensiveness extends to financial matters as well. Templates can include instructions regarding the management of assets, payment of expenses, and distribution of property. These preferences provide guidance to family members and financial advisors, ensuring that the individual’s financial legacy is handled according to their wishes.
  • Contingency Planning: Comprehensive templates also allow individuals to plan for unforeseen circumstances. They can include contingency instructions in case of changes in health status or specific medical scenarios. This level of detail ensures that the individual’s wishes are respected even in complex or unexpected situations.

The comprehensiveness of a statement of wishes template empowers individuals to have a greater say in the decisions that affect their lives, both during and after their incapacitation. By addressing a wide range of preferences, comprehensive templates provide a holistic approach to end-of-life planning, ensuring that an individual’s wishes are honored and their legacy is preserved.


Within the context of a statement of wishes template, flexibility plays a vital role in accommodating changes in circumstances or evolving medical knowledge. It ensures that an individual’s wishes remain relevant and applicable, even in the face of unforeseen events or advancements in medical care.

  • Adjustable Preferences:

    Templates allow individuals to modify or update their preferences over time. This flexibility is particularly important as circumstances change, such as advancements in medical technology or changes in personal values.

  • Contingency Planning:

    Templates can include contingency instructions for specific scenarios or changes in health status. These plans provide guidance to healthcare professionals and family members in the event that the individual’s condition or preferences change.

  • Periodic Review:

    Regular review of the statement of wishes template is encouraged to ensure that it remains aligned with the individual’s current wishes and medical knowledge. This process helps to maintain the relevance and effectiveness of the template.

  • Legal Considerations:

    Flexibility should be balanced with legal considerations. Templates should be drafted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to ensure their validity and enforceability.

The flexibility of a statement of wishes template empowers individuals to maintain control over their end-of-life care and personal preferences. By allowing for changes and updates, templates ensure that an individual’s wishes remain respected, even in the face of evolving circumstances or medical advancements.


Within the context of statement of wishes templates, accessibility plays a pivotal role in ensuring that an individual’s wishes are retrievable and respected when they are unable to communicate them directly. This accessibility empowers healthcare professionals and family members to make informed decisions that align with the individual’s values and preferences.

  • Digital Storage:

    Storing the statement of wishes template in a digital format, such as a secure online platform or cloud storage, ensures easy access for authorized individuals. This eliminates the risk of losing or misplacing physical copies and allows for quick retrieval in situations.

  • Multiple Copies:

    Creating multiple copies of the template and distributing them to trusted individuals, such as family members, healthcare providers, and attorneys, ensures that a copy is readily available when needed. This redundancy reduces the risk of the template being lost or inaccessible.

  • Clear Identification:

    The statement of wishes template should be clearly labeled and easily identifiable, both digitally and physically. This includes using a standardized file name, storing it in a designated folder, and marking physical copies prominently to facilitate quick retrieval.

  • Authorized Access:

    Establishing clear protocols for accessing the statement of wishes template is essential. This may involve setting up password protection, granting access to specific individuals, or using a secure online platform that manages user permissions.

The accessibility of a statement of wishes template contributes to its effectiveness and ensures that an individual’s wishes are honored even when they are unable to express them directly. By implementing these accessibility measures, individuals can empower their loved ones and healthcare providers to make informed decisions that respect their values and preferences.


The validity of a statement of wishes template is of paramount importance in ensuring that an individual’s wishes are legally recognized and respected by healthcare institutions. Validity refers to the template’s compliance with legal requirements and its acceptance by healthcare providers as a valid expression of an individual’s preferences.

A legally valid statement of wishes template provides a strong foundation for decision-making in situations where an individual is unable to communicate their wishes directly. It serves as a legal document that healthcare professionals and institutions are obligated to consult and follow when making treatment decisions. This validity ensures that an individual’s wishes are not overridden or disregarded, empowering them to maintain control over their healthcare even when they are incapacitated.

Real-life examples of the validity of statement of wishes templates can be found in various jurisdictions. For instance, many countries have enacted legislation that specifically recognizes and protects advance directives, which include statements of wishes. These laws establish clear legal requirements for the creation and execution of advance directives, ensuring their validity and enforceability. As a result, healthcare professionals are legally bound to honor the wishes expressed in valid statement of wishes templates, respecting the individual’s autonomy and right to self-determination.

The practical significance of understanding the validity of statement of wishes templates lies in its implications for end-of-life care and decision-making. By ensuring the validity of their templates, individuals can proactively safeguard their wishes and preferences. This understanding empowers them to make informed choices about their future care, reducing the burden on family members and healthcare providers who may otherwise face difficult decisions without clear guidance.

Regular Review

Within the context of a statement of wishes template, regular review holds significant importance in ensuring that an individual’s wishes remain aligned with their current health status and personal preferences. Regular review involves periodically revisiting the template to make any necessary updates or modifications to reflect changes in circumstances or evolving values.

The connection between regular review and a statement of wishes template is crucial because it allows individuals to maintain control over their end-of-life care and personal preferences. As health conditions change over time, so too may an individual’s wishes regarding medical treatments, symptom management, and personal matters. Regular review provides an opportunity to ensure that the template accurately reflects the individual’s current wishes and priorities.

Real-life examples of regular review in action include individuals who update their statement of wishes template after experiencing a significant change in health status, such as a new diagnosis or a change in prognosis. Additionally, individuals may choose to review and update their template after major life events, such as marriage, the birth of a child, or retirement. These updates help to ensure that the template remains relevant and reflective of the individual’s current circumstances and values.

The practical application of regular review lies in its ability to empower individuals to make informed choices about their future care. By regularly reviewing and updating their statement of wishes template, individuals can proactively address potential changes in their health or personal preferences. This proactive approach reduces the burden on family members and healthcare providers who may otherwise face difficult decisions without clear guidance. Regular review also provides peace of mind to individuals, knowing that their wishes will be respected and honored, even if they are unable to communicate them directly.


Within the context of statement of wishes templates, the emphasis on open communication plays a vital role in ensuring that an individual’s end-of-life wishes are not only documented but also understood and respected by their loved ones. Discussion serves as a bridge between the individual’s intentions and the actions of those responsible for carrying them out.

  • Fostering Understanding:

    Open communication allows individuals to express their values, beliefs, and preferences regarding end-of-life care. By having these discussions with loved ones, individuals can ensure that their wishes are not merely written down but are truly understood and appreciated by those who will be making decisions on their behalf.

  • Reducing Uncertainty:

    Discussing end-of-life care can reduce uncertainty and anxiety for both the individual and their loved ones. By openly addressing these topics, individuals can provide clarity and guidance, reducing the burden on family members who may otherwise be left guessing about their wishes.

  • Promoting Emotional Support:

    Open communication creates a safe space for individuals and their loved ones to share their feelings and concerns about end-of-life care. This emotional support can help alleviate anxiety, promote a sense of peace, and strengthen the bonds between family members.

  • Facilitating Shared Decision-Making:

    Discussions about end-of-life care can involve multiple family members, healthcare providers, and other trusted individuals. Open communication allows for shared decision-making, ensuring that everyone involved has a voice and that the individual’s wishes are respected while also considering the perspectives of their loved ones.

In summary, the discussion encouraged by statement of wishes templates is a crucial aspect of end-of-life planning. It fosters understanding, reduces uncertainty, promotes emotional support, and facilitates shared decision-making. By openly communicating their wishes and values, individuals can ensure that their end-of-life care aligns with their beliefs and preferences, providing peace of mind for both themselves and their loved ones.

Peace of Mind

Within the context of statement of wishes templates, the concept of peace of mind holds significant importance. A statement of wishes template empowers individuals to take control of their end-of-life care and express their preferences, providing them with a sense of security and reassurance that their wishes will be respected.

The connection between peace of mind and statement of wishes templates is multifaceted. Firstly, the mere act of creating a statement of wishes template can provide individuals with a sense of control over their future care. By documenting their preferences and values, they can feel more confident that their wishes will be known and honored, even if they are unable to communicate them directly. This sense of control can reduce anxiety and uncertainty, promoting peace of mind for both the individual and their loved ones.

Additionally, the process of creating a statement of wishes template can foster open communication between individuals and their families. By discussing their wishes and values with loved ones, individuals can ensure that their preferences are understood and respected. This open communication can help to alleviate any concerns or misunderstandings that may arise in the future, further contributing to peace of mind.

In summary, a statement of wishes template plays a crucial role in providing individuals with peace of mind regarding their end-of-life care. By empowering them to express their wishes and values, and by fostering open communication with loved ones, statement of wishes templates help individuals to feel more secure and confident about their future care.

Frequently Asked Questions About Statement of Wishes Templates

This section provides answers to commonly asked questions about statement of wishes templates, addressing key concerns and clarifying various aspects of their use and importance.

Question 1: What is a statement of wishes template?

Answer: A statement of wishes template is a predefined form that guides individuals in expressing their preferences regarding their future care and treatment, in the event that they become incapacitated and unable to make decisions for themselves.

Question 2: Why is a statement of wishes template important?

Answer: A statement of wishes template is important because it allows individuals to ensure that their wishes are respected and honored, even if they cannot communicate them directly. It reduces the burden on family members or healthcare professionals who may be faced with making difficult decisions on the individual’s behalf, and promotes peace of mind for both the individual and their loved ones.

Question 3: What should I include in a statement of wishes template?

Answer: A statement of wishes template should include sections for medical treatment preferences, end-of-life care, and personal preferences. Medical treatment preferences may include instructions on life-sustaining treatments, pain management, and symptom management. End-of-life care preferences may include instructions on hospice care, palliative care, and organ donation. Personal preferences may include instructions on funeral arrangements, the distribution of belongings, and any other personal matters that are important to the individual.

Question 4: How do I create a statement of wishes template?

Answer: You can create a statement of wishes template by downloading a template from a reputable source, such as a healthcare organization or legal website. Once you have downloaded a template, you can fill it out by providing your preferences for medical treatment, end-of-life care, and personal matters. It is recommended to discuss your wishes with your family, doctor, and lawyer to ensure that your template is legally valid and reflects your true wishes.

Question 5: Where should I store my statement of wishes template?

Answer: You should store your statement of wishes template in a safe and easily accessible location, such as a fireproof safe or a digital storage platform. You should also provide copies of your template to your family, doctor, and lawyer so that they can access it if needed.

Question 6: Can I change my statement of wishes template over time?

Answer: Yes, you can change your statement of wishes template over time as your preferences change. It is important to review and update your template regularly to ensure that it reflects your current wishes and values. You can make changes to your template by filling out a new form or by adding an amendment to your existing template.

In summary, a statement of wishes template is an essential tool for individuals to communicate their preferences for future care and treatment. By addressing common concerns and clarifying various aspects of their use and importance, these FAQs provide guidance on creating, storing, and updating statement of wishes templates to ensure that an individual’s wishes are respected and honored.

These FAQs serve as a foundation for further discussion on the legal and ethical considerations surrounding statement of wishes templates. In the next section, we will delve into the legal validity and enforceability of these templates, exploring the role of healthcare professionals and family members in honoring an individual’s wishes.

Tips for Creating a Comprehensive and Effective Statement of Wishes Template

In this section, we provide practical tips to guide individuals in creating a comprehensive and effective statement of wishes template, ensuring that their wishes are clearly expressed and legally valid.

Tip 1: Use Clear and Specific Language: Opt for plain and unambiguous language to convey your wishes. Avoid medical jargon or technical terms that may lead to misinterpretation.

Tip 2: Cover All Aspects of Care: Address medical treatments, end-of-life care, symptom management, and personal preferences to provide a holistic view of your wishes.

Tip 3: Consider Your Values and Beliefs: Reflect on your personal values, religious beliefs, and cultural background to ensure that your template aligns with your fundamental principles.

Tip 4: Consult with Healthcare Professionals: Seek guidance from your doctor or other healthcare providers to gain a better understanding of medical options and treatments.

Tip 5: Involve Family and Loved Ones: Discuss your wishes openly with your family and loved ones to foster understanding and address any concerns.

Tip 6: Review and Update Regularly: Schedule periodic reviews of your template to ensure that it remains current and reflects any changes in your health or preferences.

Tip 7: Ensure Legal Validity: Consult with an attorney to ensure that your template complies with legal requirements and is valid in your jurisdiction.

Tip 8: Store and Share Securely: Store your template in a secure location and share copies with trusted individuals, such as your healthcare proxy or family members.

By following these tips, individuals can create a comprehensive and effective statement of wishes template that accurately reflects their preferences and provides guidance to their loved ones and healthcare providers.

These tips lay the foundation for a comprehensive understanding of statement of wishes templates. In the next section, we will explore the legal and ethical considerations surrounding these templates, emphasizing the roles and responsibilities of healthcare professionals and family members in honoring an individual’s wishes.


Throughout this article, we have explored the significance and multifaceted nature of statement of wishes templates. These templates empower individuals to articulate their preferences for future care and treatment, ensuring that their wishes are respected even in the event of incapacity.

Key points to remember include:

  • Statement of wishes templates provide a comprehensive framework for individuals to express their medical, personal, and financial preferences, promoting informed decision-making and reducing the burden on loved ones and healthcare providers.
  • Creating an effective statement of wishes template involves using clear language, covering all aspects of care, and ensuring legal validity. Regular review and updates are crucial to keep the template current and aligned with an individual’s evolving wishes.
  • Statement of wishes templates foster open communication between individuals and their loved ones, promoting understanding and shared decision-making.

The significance of statement of wishes templates lies in their ability to provide individuals with peace of mind and a sense of control over their future care. By proactively documenting their wishes, individuals can ensure that their values and preferences are honored, even when they are unable to communicate them directly. This empowers individuals to maintain their autonomy and make informed choices about their end-of-life care.

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